November exhibitION: Brian Keith Stephens and Pola Esther,
“Like a song I heard the other day”
November 9, 2019 - December 7, 2019
Opening reception: Saturday, November 9
The legend says that Pola Esther was kissed by the Pope and that event made her who she is. Born and raised in Poland, based in the USA.
“How to capture the past, present and future at the same time; this is at the center of my work as an artist and as a father, son, friend and lover. As we navigating our daily lives, we must face thoughts, anxieties, joys and emotions from all three of these tenses, and often at the same time. Seemingly opposite emotions — lust, hatred, desire, love, pride, inhibition — exists simultaneously between these moments in time. For some of us, some emotions out weigh others, grabbing our attention and transfixing our minds, sometimes taking over the way we live and breath. For myself, the emotions that occupy my mind and capture my energy are that of love, desire, and the fear of hurt or disappointment. And so, at the center of my work are these forceful emotions–they guide my hand to paint and my heart and mind to live. My work explores the emotions that guide us, that pull us and push us and ultimately define who we are, in relation to others and to ourselves.”
- Brian Keith Stephens